Automate inspections in
metals & mining
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Robotic Inspections for the Metal, Mining & Mineral Industry
ANYmal, your new inspector, is here to elevate safety. Performing autonomous inspections, it’s more than a robot – it’s a safety partner, boosting asset longevity and worker protection
With ANYmal you will get…
ANYmal improving safety at Outokumpu
Outokumpu is the first in the industry to harness the power of AI and robotics for safety management, with the goal of creating the safest working environment in the steel industry by 2025. The target? Less than 1.8 recordable injuries per million hours worked.
Watch this video to know more about how ROSIE aka. ANYmal increases inspection worker safety through a robotic workforce
ANYmal Helps Vale to Prioritize People in Mining
VALE is a Brazilian multinational corporation engaged in metals and mining and one of the largest producers of iron ore and nickel in the world. Their goal is to increase the safety of their workers through autonomous robotic inspections.
In a partnership with ANYbotics, Vale highlights its commitment to becoming one of the safest and most reliable mining companies in the world.

Our ANYmal can verify several asset conditions in addition to a circuit of critical spaces, stairs, and complex equipment—all autonomously, and always with the aim of integrating people, technologies, and processes that prioritize safety.